Automate Your Accounts Payable
Approval Workflows

Still approving invoices manually? DOKKA is the leading AI-powered accounts payable approval software that automates your approvals based on set parameters, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and transparency. 

Approval Automation

Craig Brass

Systems Architect at Voneus

“We loved your unique feature of connecting the transactional fields with the machine learning element. It was easy to drag and drop data, and the system learned from it. For instance, DOKKA learned who should approve transactions from a specific supplier, and it just required a quick review before sending it for approval. This feature has saved us a significant amount of time.”

Patrick van Zijl

CFO at Weinprop Residential

“It’s so easy to see the status of the invoice, and who should be approving it, and the workflow works great. The audit trail is good for having the insight into who imported the invoice, who approved it, and what has changed. All that makes it easy to follow and check if there are any issues.”

Deborah Stevens

AP Clerk at Voneus

“Approving things is much easier now. I don’t have to constantly remind my colleagues to approve invoices or other documents. It has also saved us a lot of time that we used to spend writing emails or doing other manual tasks. Overall, it has made our work more efficient and streamlined.”

Automated Approval Routing

Automated Approval

DOKKA automates the routing of invoices based on various parameters, such as approval groups, vendors, and amounts. This ensures that invoices are always directed to the right approvers without any manual intervention.

Reminder Emails

Never miss a deadline again. Eliminate the need for manual follow-ups with automated reminder emails sent to approvers. These reminders ensure timely actions, preventing bottlenecks and delays in invoice processing.

automated reminder emails

Set Up a New Approval Process in One Click

Our intuitive interface makes it simple for users of all technical levels to set up and manage approval processes. With just one click, you can configure and deploy new workflows, allowing you to adapt quickly to changing business needs.

Gain Complete Transparency
Into Your Approvals

Gain complete transparency into your approval workflows with our easy-to-view dashboard. Track the status of every document and know exactly where it is in the approval process. 

Transparency into approvals
Financial Close Automation FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Between 2-14 days. 

Technical implementation itself can be done in as little as half an hour, with a relatively brief period of time required for full onboarding, varying between a few days to 2 weeks, depending on your team’s availability.

Our customer support team is available during standard business hours to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Our customer success team will be with you every step of the way, guiding you through installation, setup, and training. And even after the initial setup is complete, you can count on our dedicated customer support team and comprehensive knowledge base for ongoing assistance. 

With DOKKA, the number of documents is never an issue.

Our cloud-based architecture is designed to accommodate and support businesses of all sizes and usage requirements, ensuring a seamless experience for all. Our platform can handle high volume processing with ease, as evidenced by our customers who successfully process tens of thousands of invoices each month with no problems.

Years of refinement have made DOKKA’s algorithm a master at extracting information from documents with accuracy, regardless of language or format.

With millions of processed documents already under its belt, the advanced AI requires no additional training or custom invoice templates. But for extra customization, the platform also offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface to map fields to your exact specifications. Enjoy reliable, precise document extraction with DOKKA.

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We’re two-way synced with all major accounting ERPs, and we’re also pulling the Paid and Not Paid invoice status. These statuses get neatly attached to the invoice as a tag, and are easily viewable from within the system.

Yes, DOKKA has a 2-way and 3-way matching capability. It can help you quickly reconcile between invoices, purchase orders and goods receipts. 

Our 2-way and 3-way matching streamlines the invoice processing and payment process by comparing and contrasting vendor invoices with purchase orders and receipts, reducing the risk of errors and discrepancies. It improves efficiency and accuracy in your accounts payable system, saving you time and resources.

You’ll be up and running with all of DOKKA’s features and functionalities in just one hour.

With a user-friendly interface, modeled after a physical desk, anyone can navigate and utilize the system with ease, regardless of skill level. Recognized as one of the most intuitive AP systems on the market, DOKKA makes it simple to maximize your AP department’s efficiency.

No, there is no need to setup anything in DOKKA once your integration is finished.

Since DOKKA is two-way synced with your ERP, the information entered in the ERP gets automatically reflected in DOKKA.

The Ultimate Wingman For Your Accounts Payable

Discover how DOKKA can elevate your efficiency and accuracy with automated approvals, invoice processing and collaboration features.