AP Automation for Xero
DOKKA automates invoice data extraction, PO-matching, approval workflows and automatically posts entries for you inside Xero.
- Eliminate up to 80% of the manual work in accounts payable
- Automatically match invoices to POs and receiving documents
- Process a vendor invoice in seconds
- Directly integrated with Xero
Why Hundreds of Xero Users Love DOKKA
Directly integrated with Xero
Unmatched time to deployment. Get up and running in just days.
Fully Autonomous AP Automation
DOKKA uses proprietary AI-based technology to automate invoice processing.
Master it in Just 60 Minutes
DOKKA is as intuitive as your regular email app and as familiar as your desk.
Language-agnostic OCR Technology
No matter what the language on the invoice is, DOKKA will understand and process it accurately.
Invoice Processing Done in 10 Seconds 
No solution compares to DOKKA’s invoice processing speed. It’s super fast!
Get a Complete Context on Invoices 
Pull invoices from your inbox along with the contents of the emails for instructions and more context.
Explore DOKKA's AP Automation Features
Google-like Search
Find any document within seconds, just by searching for keywords that appear inside it.
Automated Document Collection
Automatically imports documents from email, office scanner, proprietary mobile app, csv and even WhatsApp.
Works in Any Language
DOKKA is able to process invoices of all languages and formats, and you can even use it to translate text directly on the spot
Intuitive, Out Of the Box
Laid out similar to regular email apps, it literally takes an hour to learn how to use it, even for non tech-savvy people.
Virtual Desk-like Experience
Just like your desk, DOKKA lets you split, merge, staple and organize documents to your liking
Audit Trail
Documented history of all activities in your DOKKA account, allowing you to trace back every journal entry to its source.