How ADAMA Netherlands Uses DOKKA to Improve Vendor Invoice Management


ADAMA Netherlands, a subsidiary of the larger ADAMA organization and part of the Syngenta Group, the world’s largest agricultural inputs company, is a global leader in agricultural solutions.

Specializing in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of crop protection products, including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and seed treatments, ADAMA Netherlands is committed to sustainability and responsible stewardship of the environment.
They are dedicated to developing products that protect crops while minimizing their impact on the ecosystem and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

ADAMA Netherlands plays a vital role within the ADAMA organization, contributing to its mission of helping farmers increase productivity and profitability while ensuring the sustainability of agriculture for future generations.


The primary challenge faced by ADAMA Netherlands was finding a better way to manage their substantial volume of invoices.

Before adopting DOKKA’s AP automation solution, the team utilized Adobe Sign for workflow management.

However, this proved to be slow and inefficient, requiring manual initiation of workflows for each document and manual data entry, leading to a significant workload and the potential for errors.

Additionally, the company initially relied on an OCR solution. However, this technology focused solely on OCR and lacked support for languages other than English.

This limitation made the existing workflow even more challenging as it heavily relied on Adobe Sign for manually processing all invoices, further complicating the approval process and data entry into their system.

The team at ADAMA realized the need for a streamlined solution capable of handling the growing volume and complexity of invoices, which had become a manual, repetitive burden on the finance team.


The transition to DOKKA was spurred by its prominent visibility in the AP automation space, which caught ADAMA’s attention.

The decisive factors for this switch included DOKKA’s quick implementation, streamlined workflow integration, which learns and adapts from previous transactions, and DOKKA’s multi-language support.

The setup of DOKKA in ADAMA Netherlands was complemented by an efficient and relatively smooth integration process that was completed successfully within 3-4 days for most parts.

The successful implementation led ADAMA to roll out DOKKA’s solution to multiple entities around the globe, aiming to standardize the company’s operational processes across various countries.

this global adoption was focused not only on improving efficiency but also on simplifying system maintenance and ensuring a uniform workflow across all operational fronts.

DOKKA’s document management, embedded communication capabilities, invoice approval, and others became highly valued. These features addressed ADAMA’s operational challenges by providing a solution that was not only effective in processing invoices but also facilitated better communication and documentation practices.

The implementation of a dedicated email inbox for vendor invoices further streamlined the process, ensuring that invoices were efficiently routed to the appropriate fiscal entity within the company’s structure.

Implementing DOKKA into daily operations highlights the organization’s strategic move towards leveraging advanced technology to solve practical business challenges.

It emphasizes the importance of adaptive systems in global operations and the benefits of choosing solutions that align with specific linguistic and operational requirements.

“It’s so easy to see the status of the invoice, and who should be approving it, and the workflow works great. The audit trail is good for having the insight into who imported the invoice, who approved it, and what has changed. All that makes it easy to follow and check if there are any issues.”

- Patrick van Zijl, Financial Controller at ADAMA Netherlands

Biggest Wins

Faster Invoice Processing

DOKKA revolutionized ADAMA's AP workflows by providing a centralized, intuitive platform for invoice processing. The intelligent automation features significantly reduced manual effort, enabling seamless coordination among team members and ensuring swift approvals of invoices. By automating repetitive tasks and streamlining processes, DOKKA empowered ADAMA’s finance team in the Netherlands to drive productivity and efficiency to new heights.

Scalable Solution for Global Finance Operations

DOKKA's seamless integration with existing ERP systems and user-friendly interface made user adoption quick and smooth. The organization standardized invoice management processes without the hassle of undergoing a lengthy project. By offering a unified platform for the entire finance team, DOKKA ensured consistency, efficiency, and compliance, laying the foundation for sustained growth.

Improved Transparency into AP Transactions

With the transparency that DOKKA provides, ADAMA gained unparalleled visibility into their invoice management processes. The comprehensive audit trail provided invaluable insights, allowing them to track each step of the approval journey and monitor any changes made along the way. This enhanced transparency not only facilitated smooth audits but also instilled trust and accountability within the finance team, ensuring compliance and accuracy in every transaction.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

DOKKA transformed the collaboration and communication within ADAMA’s finance team with its intuitive features like live chat, sticky notes, tags, audit trail and insights. By enabling team members to add comments, queries, or instructions directly within the platform, DOKKA facilitated seamless communication and collaboration during the invoice approval process. This streamlined approach eliminated the need for disjointed email chains or external communication channels, fostering a cohesive and efficient workflow that accelerated decision-making and enhanced productivity.

Time Savings and Efficiency Gains

DOKKA's user-friendly interface and advanced AI capabilities delivered substantial time savings and efficiency gains for the finance team. The intuitive nature of DOKKA allowed team members to quickly adapt and master the platform. By automating tedious tasks, such as data entry and document processing, DOKKA liberated valuable time. This not only boosted productivity but also empowered the team to drive business growth and innovation with renewed focus and energy.

“DOKKA is a welcome change for bookkeepers, as well as for those who need to approve invoices or add notes and comments. Embracing DOKKA represents a positive shift for our entire organization, and we are thrilled with its performance. Now, we’re eager to harness the system’s valuable insights for future forecasting.”

- Patrick van Zijl, Financial Controller at ADAMA Netherlands

2x Faster Invoice Processing

See how DOKKA can double your accounts payable efficiency.