Automate Accounts Payable in NetSuite

Streamline the processes of invoice data capture, approval workflows, and purchase order matching.

“We’re all about saving time, and DOKKA allows me to save time on repetitive work and focus more on high level areas. It’s way faster than NetSuite.”

Staff Accountant at Firebolt

Why 3,500 Companies Choose DOKKA

Directly integrated with NetSuite

Unmatched time to deployment. Get up and running in just 1-2 weeks.

Fully Autonomous AP Automation

DOKKA uses proprietary, AI-based technology to automate invoice processing.

Virtual Desk

DOKKA is as intuitive as your regular email app and as familiar as your desk. 

Language-agnostic Processing

No matter what the language on the invoice is, DOKKA will understand and process it accurately.

Capture Invoice Data in 10 Seconds

No solution compares to DOKKA’s invoice processing speed. It’s super fast!

Get More Context on Invoices

Pull invoices from your inbox along with the contents of the emails for instructions and more context.

NetSuite AP Automation Cost Savings Calculator

Manual invoice processing tends to be more labor-intensive and time-consuming, leading to higher costs. 

Use the calculator below to see how much you’re currently spending on manual invoice processing and how much you can save with a smart AP automation solution like DOKKA. 

Number of invoices per month:
Average time to process an invoice (in minutes):
Hourly wage: $

Your cost of processing invoices manually is: $

With DOKKA, you can save $ a month.

These Results Could Be Yours


AJP Group Saves $49,200 a Year with DOKKA’s Accounting Automation Suite


Equites Reduced Workload From 5 days to 2 Days a Week


DOKKA sits between your invoices and NetSuite and creates journal entries automatically for you using state of the art AI-based technology that’s already been pre-trained on millions of documents (so there’s no need to upload invoice templates). In addition, it helps you fully automate your approval flows and acts as a secure document management system, providing you with a centralized place to manage all of your AP documents. 

Since DOKKA is seamlessly integrated into NetSuite, there is no need for any complicated setup and you can start using it from day 1. As a matter of fact, we’re one of the most intuitive systems in the market and your team will learn how to use the platform in just one training session (60 minutes). 

AP automation can help you save time and increase accuracy in the AP process. It eliminates the need for manual data entry and ensures invoices are approved on time. This can lead to cost savings and a dramatic improvement in the efficiency in the AP department. Additionally, automating the AP process can provide better visibility and control over cash flow. If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of AP automation, be sure to check out our post on the 16 biggest benefits of automating the accounts payable.

Unlike many of our competitors, our cost is usage and not member based, so the pricing will depend on the number of invoices you’re processing in a month, as well as which modules you need. That being said our pricing starts at USD $400/month.